Main Menu
The sidebar panel provides the main menu of the application. The menu choices are listed below.
•Home - Displays the home page of CLEAR Safety
•Dashboards - A variety of dashboards will be available within CLEAR Safety for quick access to a variety of key crash and safety performance metrics displayed as a combination of graphs, charts, tables, lists, maps and infographics.
•Crash Query - Launches the Crash Data Viewer (CDV) application in a separate browser tab to conduct crash queries. Please refer to the on-line help within the CDV application for further details
•Planning - Provides planning functions such as network screening, systemic screening and the creation of Annual Work Plans (AWP)
•Site Analysis
•Capital Projects
•Capital Proposals
•Evaluation - Provides functionality to perform post-implementation evaluations at the several levels such as Project, Site, Countermeasure, etc.
•Reports - Provides access to pre-defined tabular reports