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Annual Work Programs (AWP)




Annual Work Programs (AWP)

Annual Work Programs (AWP) are defined as a list of sites to be investigated during the year. AWPs can be created by both NYSDOT regions as well as MPOs and Counties, however, the process for creating an AWP is different for NYSDOT Regions versus MPOs and Counties. AWPs are associated with a specific year, where the year can be either the Active Year (which is defined as the current year within which investigations are actively being conducted), a Past year, in which all investigations have been completed and is no longer active, or a Future year, which defines the AWP that is current under development.

In addition to AWPs being defined by their year being either Future, Active or Past, they also have a status. When an AWP is first created, it is set to Initiated status (this is defined as being prior to any adjustments to the AWP). When an AWP is being modified, it is in "Working" status. The Ready status is only for NYSDOT when a region is flagged as ready for approval by the Main office (this status is not relevant for Counties and MPOs). Finally, once an AWP is approved, it is "Locked" which indicates that no further modifications can be made to the AWP, therefore investigations can start. The tables below provide a summary of the Status' and Year types for AWPs.

Once AWPs are completed, the sites that are included an the Annual Work Program can then be added directly to an investigation as shown in this section.

When creating AWPs, as noted above, there is difference in the workflow for NYSDOT Regions versus MPOs and Counties. The links below provide descriptions of each workflow for Creating AWPs for each.

Creating AWPs for NYSDOT Regions

Creating AWPs for MPOs and Counties




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