Assigning Implementation Type
The first step in implementation is to assign an implementation type to a recommendation that is to be acted upon (implemented). As described in the previous section, recommendations to be are assigned one of three (3) implementation types: Capital Project, Maintenance Item, or Initiative. Once a recommendation has been assigned an implementation type it is considered an “improvement” that is in the process of being implemented.
Improvements have one of three status’ throughout their “life cycle”:
•Recommended - This is the initial status of an improvement. That is, once a recommendation is assigned an implementation type, this indicates the improvement has not yet begun to be implemented, and therefore it is still only "recommended".
•Implemented (e.g., kicked off/in progress) - This is the status once the improvement has been kicked off and it is in the process of being implemented.
•Completed - This is the status once an improvement has been fully implemented and completed.
Assigning Implementation Types
To assign an implementation type, click the Implementation>Improvements menu which displays the improvements page. The Improvements page provides a grid with four (4) tabs to manage and track the safety improvements to be implemented (Recommendations, Capital Improvements, Maintenance Items, Initiatives). Improvements can be assigned implementation types as well as tracked throughout their life cycle from the grid displayed on this page. The improvement page will display the grid below.
The “All Recommendations” tab, shows the recommendations from APPROVED investigations. To Assign an implementation type to a recommendation, from the "All Recommendations" tab, check the box for one or more recommendations in the left column and click the desired implementation type button above the grid (C = Capital Project, M = Maintenance, I = Initiative). The selected recommendation rows in the grid will then have the Implementation Type column populated with the specified type, the Date Assigned column is updated to today's date, and the checkbox control is no longer visible.
Once assigned an implementation type, the recommendation is considered an improvement and can be managed/tracked throughout its life cycle from the remaining three tabs: Capital Improvements, Maintenance Items, and Initiatives.
Row Tools
The following tools are available in the right most three columns of the grid (click the icon in the desired row)
•Deactivate (eye) – Removes/hides the recommendation from implementation consideration
•Zoom To (magnifier) – Zooms to the site/location of the recommendation
•Flash (black star) – Flashes the site/location of the recommendation