Viewing Network Screening Results
When the View control is clicked for a selected scenario, the results page is displayed as shown below. An interactive map display is shown at the top of the page which highlights the sites identified during the screening process. The bottom of the page displays a series of tabs that provides details on the results of the screening run. Each tab is described below (the default tab is "Screening Results"):
•Screening Results - This tab displays a grid that lists each of the sites identified during the screening. There are four sub-tabs that allows the grid to display either All sites identified (regardless of type), only segments, only intersections or only ramps (the default tab is "All") which shows all sites identified which has four sub-tabs. The columns displayed include:
•Site Description - Description of the site (e.g., road name/number and from/to measures)
•PSI - Score that indicates the Potential for Safety Improvement
•Rank - Site rank from those identified based on the Average Crash Frequency
•Score - Site score based on Average Crash Frequency
•Facility Type - Facility Type of Site
•Flash - Tool that will flash the location of the this site on the map
•Zoom - Tool that will zoom the map to the extent of this site
•Summary - The Summary tab displays a summary of the parameters on which the scenario is based (similar to the Summary page that is presented as the last step of Network Screening).
•History - This tab shows a grid/list of each time the scenario was run (Run Date, Run Status, Number of Sites, Run Duration)
•Publishing - This tab shows each time this scenario was published as the annual screening for the region. It also allows an administrator to Publish as the Official Annual Screening Run or Remove as the Official Run