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Publishing Annual Screening




Publishing Annual Screening

When the resulting site of a network screening for a region are being viewed, a NYSDOT Administrator can publish the results as the Annual Screening for the region, which will flag the scenario as the Annual Screening scenario, publish the sites identified as the regional PILs list, and also create the initial Annual Work Program (AWP) for the region using the minimum number of sites defined for that region (as defined in CLEAR Admin).

Publishing as Official Annual Run (PIL List)

To publish (save) a network screening run as the official annual PIL list for the region, View the screening results for a scenario, and click the Publishing tab. Then, click the SAVE AS NEW OFFICIAL RUN button above the grid. This will save/publish the run as the official annual run for the region and will automatically publish the official PIL list, and create the initial AWP for the region. Once this run is saved as the official run, a row will be displayed in the grid showing the published date and user who published this run as the official annual run for the region.

Removing as Official Annual Run

If a run was saved as the official annual run, it can be removed as the official run as long as AWP is still at Initiated status and an investigation has not been created for the region in the given year. To remove as the official run, click the Publishing tab, and check the box to select the row in the grid. Then click the REMOVE AS OFFICIAL RUN button. This will remove the run as the official run, remove the AWP, and remove the annual PIL list.




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