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Managing Maintenance Items




Managing Maintenance Items

Once a recommendation has been assigned as a Maintenance Item the workflow below can be followed to formally implement the item to completion. As the workflow illustrates there are two types of maintenance items, each with a slightly different process.

Agile Work Request - For those regions with a residency, a maintenance item is implemented by creating a "Work Request" in the Agile Assets enterprise asset management system. Asset management system then creates one or more work orders of the specific tasks to be conducted. The work is then conducted and marked as completed in Agile Assets, which automatically marks the maintenance item as completed in CLEAR Safety, after which As-Built data can be entered into CLEAR safety to capture the exact status of the work that was actually performed by the residency.

Local Work Order - For those regions without a residency, a maintenance item is implemented by creating a "Local Work Order" in CLEAR Safety, which can then be exported as a PDF and forwarded (e.g., emailed) to the local maintenance workers to perform the work. The work is then conducted and the maintenance crew will notify the requester that the work is complete. The requester will then mark the maintenance item as completed in CLEAR Safety, after which As-Built data can be entered into CLEAR safety to capture the exact status of the work that was actually performed by the maintenance crew.



Managing Maintenance Items

To implement and manage maintenance items, click the Implementation>Improvements menu, then click the "Maintenance Items" tab. The grid below is displayed.

Note that there are columns for the status and dates for the Maintenance Item, as well as separate columns those items that result in Agile Work Requests (if applicable).


Implementing a Maintenance Item

To implement/edit a maintenance item, click the Edit icon in the left most column of the grid. This displays the details page shown below

First, click the Edit (pencil) icon to enter/edit the maintenance note

Next, click the “Safety Programs” picklist and check all the programs that apply to this maintenance improvement

Next, select the “Maintenance Type” from the picklist

Agile Work Request

Local Work Order


The dialog will update with new controls at the bottom based on the Maintenance Type selected

Depending on the Maintenance Type selected (Agile Work Request or Local Work Order), the dialog will then adjust accordingly. Please see the corresponding section below for specific instructions on implementing each maintenance type.


NOTE: Agile Work Requests are only for regions with a Residency. Otherwise, a Local Work Order must be used


Implementing an Agile Work Request

Once the maintenance type of Agile Work Request is selected from the dialog, four new picklists appear at the bottom.

Use each picklist to select the desired Implementation Type, Implementation Module, Residency and Sub-residency for the work request.

Then click the IMPLEMENT button which will generate the Agile Work Request and change the status of the maintenance item to "Implemented". The Agile Work Request will ultimately result in one or more Agile Work Orders with the specific work to be conducted by the residency staff.

When done, click the CLOSE DETAILS button.

NOTE: The maintenance item will automatically be updated to COMPLETED when the Work Request (and individual work orders) are completed by the residency.

Once the work has been completed, As-built data can be entered for the maintenance item to capture the exact work that was performed.


Implementing an Local Work Order

Once the maintenance type of Local Work Order is selected from the dialog, the user can click the IMPLEMENT button which will generate the change the status of the maintenance item to "Implemented" and update the dialog with new buttons/controls at the bottom as shown below.

Click the EXPORT LOCAL WORK ORDER DETAILS button which will create and download a PDF file which is formatted as shown below.

The Revert Status button can be used to change the status back to “Recommended” if the item was implemented in error

When done, click the CLOSE DETAILS button.

NOTE: The PDF of the Local Work Order should then be forwarded to the appropriate maintenance workers to inform them of the work to be done.

Completing a Local Work Order

When the maintenance work for a local work order has been completed, the staff will notify the requester who can then mark the maintenance item as "Completed" in CLEAR Safety.

To mark it as completed, edit the Maintenance Item to display the Details page as shown below, then click the COMPLETE button.

When done, click the CLOSE DETAILS button.

NOTE: Agile Work Requests are automatically marked as "Completed" when they are done. Local Work Orders require this manual step.

Once the work has been completed, As-built data can be entered for the maintenance item to capture the exact work that was performed.




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