Coordinate Conversion
Use the Coordinate Conversion button to view the coordinates of the mouse cursor in real time. This button provides the ability to see the coordinates in several coordinate systems units and format the coordinates, as desired.
Click the button to activate the tool.
The coordinate values will change in real time as the map extent is explored. By default, one set of coordinates appear in Decimal Degrees. Multiple units can be shown simultaneously by clicking Add conversion and selecting another unit type. In the example below, Basemap units, XY, and MRGS were added by clicking the Add conversion button and selecting the units drop-down list.
Input Coordinate button:
Click this button to set desired units and then input a set of coordinates. Enable Go to location if you would like the map to recenter at this location. Click the Convert button. The map re-centers (if Go to location was set) and the entered coordinates are displayed.
Capture / Live Mode button
Click this button to control how coordinates are taken: live or at a clicked upon location. By default, the tool shows coordinates in real time (i.e. live). Click the Capture button to change the tool so that it displays the coordinate values of a user specified (via mouse-click) location. Click the tool again to revert back to Live mode.
Format button:
Click this button to apply formatting settings to the coordinate values. Select a unit type from the drop-down and then update the formatting displayed in the box underneath the drop-down. In the example below, DDM will now return each coordinate with the words North and East, rather than the default abbreviations of N and E.