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What is CLEAR Safety?




What is the CLEAR Safety?

CLEAR Safety serves as the cornerstone application within the CLEAR platform that drives the safety management process.  CLEAR Safety replaces three legacy applications: SIMS, PIES and ALIS. The application provides functionality which encapsulates the widely accepted six-step safety management process outlined in the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual.

The application provides robust mapping, geospatial processing, visualization, query, analysis, and reporting. Conceptually, the functionality of the application is organized into four (4) primary sections/modules to focus the user interface and available tools on the operations that are most appropriate during any point within the safety management process. These modules are as follows:

Planning – Planning, screening and site identification (e.g., network screening, systemic screening, Priority Investigation Locations (PILS), Creation of Annual Work Plans, etc.);

Site Analysis and Investigation – Conducting site investigation and analysis (investigations, crash analysis, contributing factor review, countermeasure selection, alternatives analysis, safety improvement recommendations);

Implementation – Implementation and tracking of safety improvements via capital projects, maintenance items and initiatives; and

Evaluation – Post implementation evaluation of safety effectiveness. Estimating effectiveness of projects and programs via project-, countermeasure-, and program-level evaluations to understand the safety performance and cost- effectiveness of investments and to inform future decisions.

Further information and specific details on the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and Safety Investigation Procedures can be found within the latest versions of the NYSDOT "Red Book" and "Yellow Book" at the links below:

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Procedures and Techniques (aka "Red Book")

Safety Investigations Procedures Manual (aka "Yellow Book")

For additional reference materials on CLEAR, including videos and slides from all CLEAR training courses, please visit the CLEAR "Crash Analysis Toolbox" web page at the following link:

CLEAR "Crash Analysis Toolbox" Website


To discover how to login and access CLEAR Safety, click the following link: Logging into CLEAR Safety




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