What is the Crash Data Viewer (CDV)?

The Crash Data Viewer (CDV) is an application that is available to authorized users such as NYSDOT staff as well as external users (e.g., MPOs, Counties, etc.) for query, visualization and analysis of crash data. It is important to note that the query functionality in CDV is focused exclusively on crash data. At a high level, the application provides the following functionality:

Dashboards – A series of dashboards will be available showing a combination of graphs, charts and tables illustrating a high-level summary of key crash metrics;

Robust Map Display – The map display will provide the ability to visualize and spatially analyze crash locations with respect to other available reference layers  (e.g., road centerlines, administrative boundaries, etc.). The map display includes typical web-based GIS functionality (navigation, base map control, layer control, find, measure, identify, etc.)

Query Interface - Users will be able to build and execute queries to select and visualize crashes of interest using an intuitive query interface

oQueries can be built using a robust combination of spatial filters and attribute criteria

Spatial Filtering tools include drawing graphics on the map display; building paths along the road network, and selecting geographic features from other map layers

Attribute criteria definition is available from a wide variety of fields ranging from general crash data, vehicle data and person data

oResult (output) fields can be customized/selected

oQuery results can be viewed within a tabular grid and via the map display

oUsers can export crash query results

oUser can save queries which can be subsequently loaded and re-executed

oUsers can share queries with other users

oSaved queries can be managed by the user (renamed, deleted, copied, etc.)

Reporting Interface – Pre-defined report templates can be used to generate formatted tabular output