Crash Report Viewer

The Crash Report Viewer allows the user to view crash reports as well as generate batch reports which are a single, aggregated PDF file containing the primary crash reports from a list of cases.


The Crash Report Viewer can be launched from the CDV menu by selecting Reports > Crash Report Viewer from menu (Note: the Crash Report Viewer is launched in a separate browser tab and has it's own sidebar menu).


When launched, the default mode for the Crash Report Viewer is "Batch Report" mode (By Case Number). However, there are three different menu options available.

The sidebar navigation menu initially is collapsed, but clicking the expand icon   at the top of the sidebar menu will expand the menu showing the following options:



Report by Case Number

This will display the dialog below, allowing the user to enter a single case number to retrieve and display the primary crash report for this case




To display the crash report for a specified case:

Enter the case number in the text input box

Click the Search button


The crash report is then displayed in the viewer as shown in the example image below (fictitious report shown):



In the upper right corner of the viewer window, the following controls are available to zoom and navigate the report(s):


Scroll bar - Scroll up and down the report page

Zoom In button - Zooms in on the report

Zoom Out button - Zooms out on the report

Next and Previous Page buttons (for multi-page reports)

Retrieved Reports Picklist - allows user to choose a different report (when a case has multiple reports)


Creating Batch Reports by Case Number

To generate a batch (aggregated) report file (PDF) by entering case numbers manually:



Select Reports > Crash Report Viewer from CDV menu (the Crash Report Viewer is launched in a separate browser tab)

Expand the Sidebar menu and select Create Batch Report>By Case Number from the menu

Enter a case number and click the ADD button

The case number is validated and then added to the grid below

Repeat the previous two steps to add as many case numbers as desired

If needed, click the Remove button on any cases to remove it from being included in the batch report

When the case list is finalized, click the Generate Batch Report button to generate the aggregated PDF which is downloaded to the local machine


If needed, clicking the CLEAR button will clear ALL case numbers from the grid



?Creating Batch Reports by Importing a Case List

To generate a batch (aggregated) report file (PDF) by importing a case list:



Select Reports > Crash Report Viewer from CDV menu (the Crash Report Viewer is launched in a separate browser tab)

Expand the Sidebar menu and select Create Batch Report>By Case Number from the menu

Click the Load... button

From the file open dialog, navigate to the desired folder, select a properly-formatted .csv file, and click "Open" to load the file

The case numbers from the file are loaded into the grid control

If needed, click the Remove button on any cases to remove it from being included in the batch report

When the case list is finalized, click the Generate Batch Report button to generate the aggregated PDF which is downloaded to the local machine


?If needed, clicking the CLEAR button will clear ALL case numbers from the grid